Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Well, well, well.  This was interesting.  I found CAT Adjuster.net from the Renfroe site.  
And ClaimsPages.com.
And Great Insurance Jobs.com
Here is a link to our CO page for your review:  
Finding work as a claims adjuster can be challenging at first, as the work ebbs and flows. More importantly, well-qualified individuals get discouraged because they look all over the internet and see that most postings require experience. Don't waste your time with employment job search engines such as Monster, Indeed, CareerBuilder, etc. Most national and large adjusting firms will hire you without experience, but you do need to be persistent. Think of trying to get a job like an audition for the job. Show employers how resourceful, professional, and detail-oriented you can be.
Having a license and getting your basic Xactimate training helps put you ahead of a lot of candidates. As does becoming State Farm Certified. But what firms are really looking for are those intangible qualities: great communication and customer service skills, solid computer aptitude, good decision-making skills, and a strong work ethic. I highlight customer service skills because that is the one skill that's most important to break into the industry.
When it comes to applying for jobs and getting on Independent Adjusting Firm rosters, the more - the better. I see many people apply to only the largest firms and stop there without checking in or following up. Here are links to some of the top adjusting firms we recommend: 
Renfroe  This is an independent adjuster.  
CNC  Catastrophe & National Claims.  Adjusting Expectations.  
We also have an Employer Directory available, spend some time researching these firms. In today's market, a lot of firms work on claims all over the country, so if you can help it, do not limit yourself geographically. Be willing to say yes and get your foot in the door!
The www.naiia.com site is another great resource as you can do a search for more localized adjusting firms. These companies do tend to want experience but are also the ones that will give you a shot if you network with them. When contacting them, I would recommend asking about the possibility of shadowing an adjuster, doing a ride-along or even mentoring opportunities.
Lastly, get out and network all you can! Meet insurance professionals, join local or national associations, and get your name out in front of people. Being willing to help out an agent or shadow an adjuster can go a long way!
I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other questions.

As you apply for Claims positions online, be sure to make knowledgeable references to the top claims processing software.  A little knowledge of any of this software might come in handy.  


There is a Fee Schedule, but it looks like thw schedule is negotiable.  https://adjusterpro.com/fee-schedules/



The number and kind of certificates and licenses that are required to do any kind of work are astounding, regardless of what state you live in.  I used to live in California, only the third largest state by land mass, third to Texas, which is 2nd, and behind Alaska, which is the largest state by land mass.  Wow, the U.S. owns lots of territories.  How in the hell did they acquire so much?  Oh, yeah, that . . . .  Anyway, so lots of certificates and licenses are required no matter where you live.  I just learned of this certificate for UST Operator or Underground Storage Tanks Operator.  The position pays well, about $4,800 a month.  There are two exams apparently
 EPA developed class A and class B UST operator exams to primarily help UST system owners and operators in Indian country meet the 2015 federal UST regulation requirement that designated operators to demonstrate knowledge.  October 13, 2018, is the deadline for designated operators to verify compliance with the requirement to pass an exam.