Tuesday, June 25, 2019


The number and kind of certificates and licenses that are required to do any kind of work are astounding, regardless of what state you live in.  I used to live in California, only the third largest state by land mass, third to Texas, which is 2nd, and behind Alaska, which is the largest state by land mass.  Wow, the U.S. owns lots of territories.  How in the hell did they acquire so much?  Oh, yeah, that . . . .  Anyway, so lots of certificates and licenses are required no matter where you live.  I just learned of this certificate for UST Operator or Underground Storage Tanks Operator.  The position pays well, about $4,800 a month.  There are two exams apparently
 EPA developed class A and class B UST operator exams to primarily help UST system owners and operators in Indian country meet the 2015 federal UST regulation requirement that designated operators to demonstrate knowledge.  October 13, 2018, is the deadline for designated operators to verify compliance with the requirement to pass an exam.  

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